Thursday, February 8, 2007

ruins and their part in our lives...

Well this is in reaction to a article in the

Saturday, February 3, 2007

pan's labyrinth

So i got ditched for dinner and instead of going out on a saturday night, I will be my looser self and write blog which probably will never read anyways. The blog is going to be about a movie I watched last night. Well I am not that big of loser, I went out on a friday night atleast even if I was the third wheel with a couple.

Lets get back to the movie, that is called Pan's Labyrinth. Its probably one of the best foreign films I have seen, comparable to Life is beautiful and City of God. Well for those of you do not know about the movie, it is set in the Spanish countryside during General Franco's reign. It is about this little girl, whose mother gets remarried to a captain in the spanish army defending a camp in the countryside from rebels. The little girl belongs to a fairylyand, is immortal, and has to complete three tasks to keep her immortality. The fairlyland is located underneath the army camp and the access to it is provided through labyrinth. Her completion of three tasks ties with the story of the captain defending the army camp and ends in a bittersweet way that makes you happy and cry at the same time. Must watch!!!

By the way this movie has some gruesome scenes, which are very disturbing. One is where the captain stitches his own face and they show it.

Now my description is not that good, so you might want to check out and look up the movie. Well, I just needed an excuse to ramble about how I am not a loser or that I am. Well one thing I definitely am, I am grateful that I am in New York City so I have access to such movies. But, thank god for the internet that we can download and see this anywhere in the world.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Delirium Tremens according to me

She is the most beautiful golden Belgian blond that you will ever see. Every time I look at her, I drool and I crave her like I have craved nothing before. Her strawberry spicy smell and her big beautiful head! She comes on smooth and sweet but leaves you burning and wanting more at the end with her distinct flavor hiding the surprisingly strong intoxicant. To the pink elephant beer! Oh I want to run to deli and get one right now.

Delirum Tremens according to wikipedia

Delirium tremens is an acute episode of delirium that is usually caused by withdrawal or abstinence from alcohol following habitual excessive drinking.


Delirium-a usually brief state of excitement and mental confusion often accompanied by hallucinations.

starting to blog

so after contemplating a lot...i am starting a blog, do not what I will write about.Probably new york city, nostalgia about home, alcohol, my state of mind, which is always in state of delirium, hopefully never in a state of delirium tremens. so if you are interested then read on....